Just who is Jeff Felson? International man of mystery? Kung Fu master? Cosmic avenger? Graphic designer? Cartoonist? Comic book artist? Creator of POOPMAN and CORNBOY??? YES! He is all of those things and more!!!
As a young lad Jeff was immediately drawn to comic books and cartoons. He just loved em! Especially those whacky comic books! After a short while Jeff had quite a collection going and was getting inspired to try drawing superheroes himself. Even as a youngster it was clear that Jeff had a special talent for drawing. From that moment on Jeff vowed that he must pursue a career in art and that he did! But before committing himself to that endeavor he decided he needed to go off and see the world (& wear a matching green outfit while doing so.)
So upon graduating high school Jeff enlisted in the U.S. Army. There he certainly did see some far off parts of the world (as well as drive a hum vee off a bridge. But, that's another story.) After his time was served in the Army, Jeff decided he needed to get back to his original plan of drawing naked people -the art career! (Apparently art college is where they do a lot of that sort of thing.) Jeff then enrolled at the College of Visual Arts in St. Paul, MN. At CVA Jeff really honed his skills as an artist. Jeff graduated with high honors and has been working as a professional artist ever since. He's worked on a wide variety of exciting projects in his professional career ranging from clip art, cartoons, caricatures, comic books and graphic design for screen & print.
However, none of those accomplishments are nearly as exciting as his latest project! The comic book 'POOPMAN and CORNBOY: Attack of the Zombie Turds!' Jeff is the creator, writer, penciler, inker, colorist and letterer. He even takes out his own trash and sharpens his pencils himself! Wow, what can't he do!?!?!? Keep checking back here to see the latest on how his comic book series is progressing. He might even post the occasional random 'POOP CULTURE' drawing in the BLOG section. So, stay tuned folks!!!